Tuesday, December 26, 2006

We dont play with "Kafirs"

In the news...

I don't even know if this counts as a news article. I have never heard of this website before but it seems to be some type of news website (http://www.aina.org/). Anyways, there is this article written in what seems to be a cynical attempt at showing Muslims that it is their isolationist philosophies that has lead to the misunderstanding and mistrust among the "civilized world", i.e. Judea-Christian West. Mr. Poole (the articles author) asserts that Christians openly celebrate and encourage others to participate in their religious holidays such as Christmas and Jews similarly do so when they invite non-Jews to participate in Passover seder. Of course he knows this to be prevalent practices because of personal experiences. However, the backwards Muslims are not like these civilized Westerners they wont allow non-Muslims to participate in their Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). This no doubt has led to the Wests lack of understanding of Islam and Muslims.

While I harbor no presumption that Mr. Poole's "finely" written article is truly meant to understand and Islam and Muslims and has more to do with the growing chorus of right-wing (i.e. Christian Fundamentalists) rantings against what they are ignorant of. So lets set the record straight. First, Mr. Poole obviously has never had Muslim acquaintances (I wouldn't even think he would consider a Muslim a friend) because my friends, family, and myself have all encouraged non-Muslim friends, classmates, and co-works to participate in fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. We have all encouraged them to join us at our Mosques for prayer and Eid celebrations (our holidays). And I can personally attest to the fact that I have had many of my colleagues happily join me in many of my religious experiences. In fact when I attended the Hajj a few years ago I explained in detail the rituals I would be performing before I left for Mecca and when I got back I showed them pictures I had taken. They told me they had followed the interactive program on cnn.com website. In fact one could also follow this year on their website (http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2006/hajj/). So if Mr. Poole is so interested in experiencing the Hajj here is a chance to do so on small level. Is he right that non-Muslims are forbidden to go to Mecca? Yes. This however has nothing to do with the Islamic religion and all to do with the authoritarian regime in Saudi Arabia. However, for the sake of argument lets say that Islam prohibits the entry of non-Muslims into Mecca, the Holy of Holies to Muslims. Is this any different than the old Jewish ban on the un-pure entering the holy of holies in the Jerusalem's Temple? Or what about the non-Mormons being banned from entering Mormon temples?

What about of the totally unrelated issue of members of other faiths in Muslim countries not being able to worship as Muslims in the west are. Muslims in the West are allowed to build Mosques where ever they want ( I could show newspaper articles just in the last couple of months that contradict that assertion) but you cant find a Church or Synagogue in the Muslim world. Apparently Mr. Poole doesn't think its his journalistic duty to do some research. He apparently hasn't seen the Armenian Churches in Tehran or the Synagogues. What about the Churches in Turkey, Indonesia (the most populous Muslim country), Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Morocco, etc.

So Mr. Poole I think the problem isn't with the Islam or Muslims. I think it is you Mr. Poole that maybe needs to expand your circle of friends. Maybe they can help you with your ignorance of 1.4 billion people around the world. As for your lack of journalistic abilities well maybe you just need a better editor. Then again thats probably why you will never write for a reputable (or even one that is even known) newspaper.

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