Thursday, January 4, 2007

Just another day

So here is a cool trailer for a new show that is premiering in Canada on Tuesday. Its called The Little Mosque on a Prairie. Check out the preview. To bad it is not going to be shown in the US.

Also, check the official website:

Also in the news ...

Keith Ellison did it. He took his ceremonial oath on the Quran. In fact he took it on the Quran once owned by Thomas Jefferson.

The Jesus Tree

It seems that some residents in Jacksonville, Fl see the image of Jesus in a tree trunk.
Ok, so I see the face. Here is the thing I have thought about every time some one claims to see the face of Jesus or Mary is how do they know. I mean no one knows what either looks like. That face could be an image of any guy. Its not like there was a photographer during Jesus' time to compare pictures. I am not even sure if there is a written description of him. Anyways, its something that has gnawed at me for a while.

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